Friday, January 25, 2013

Galaxy and Mermaid Nails

Mermaid Nails
Blue Nail Polish
Teal Nail Polish
Gold Sparkle Top Coat
Pink Nail Polish
Mint Nail Polish
Dotter Tool (important)
Start by painting your thumb and middle finger teal and your pinkie and pointer fingers blue. Paint your ring finger with a neutral base coat. Next use your dotter tool to make rows of overlapping pink, teal, blue, mint, and pink dots. (start at the bottom of your nail and work your way up to the tip) Finally paint over your blue and teal nails with gold glitter. Add a top coat for shine and you're done!

Galaxy Nails
Galaxy anything is very stylish right now. Why not carry  that style onto your nails?
Black Nail Polish
Yellow Nail Polish
Pink Nail Polish
Blue Nail Polish
White Nail Polish
Gold Sparkle Nail Polish
Makeup Sponge
Toothpick (or dotter tool)

First paint all of your nails black (we're going goth!).  Then rip a piece of makeup sponge and hold it with your tweezers. Now lets get rid of that gothic look. Dip the corner of the sponge in white polish and lightly dab a line or nebula shape on your nail. Then dip another corner of your sponge into yellow nail polish and dab the yellow on in the middle of the white polish. Again choose another spot on the sponge and dip it into rose pink polish. Keep the pink close to the yellow when dabbing. I found with the pink that it was prettier to use a small amount. Now dip your sponge into blue nail polish and sponge it on around the edge of your "nebula." Use a toothpick dipped in white nail polish to create the stars and finish off with a gold sparkle to create a twinkling look. Use a topcoat to add shine and keep your design! 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Matte, Olympic, and Back to School Nails

Hey guys! So I haven't posted any new nails recently I got carried away with my summer! Here are my most recent nail arts :)

Matte Nails W/ Polka Dots and French Tips

What You Will Need:
Black Nail Polish
Essie Matte About You
Top Coat
Dotter Tools

Start off by painting your nails two coats of black polish. Now paint a thin coat of Essie's Matte About You polish. Next use a dotting tool dipped into your favorite top coat and dot polka dots on your thumb middle finger and pinkie. Finally paint the tips of your ring and index finger and your done! DO NOT FINISH WITH A TOP COAT
 You can also use a black matte polish but I recommend buying a matte top coat so you can make any polish matte. It may seem a little expensive for a nail polish but it's worth it. You can also get it from Amazon for cheaper.

2012 Olmpic Nails
Even though the Olympics have already past you can still wear this design to show your enthusiasm!
What Wou Will Need:
Blue Polish
White or Off White Polish
Red Polish
Green Polish
Yellow Polish
Black Polish
White Striper
Sparkle Top Coat
Dotter Tools

First paint your base coats (thumb-white, index middle ring-red, pinkie-blue). Make sure your nails are dry, and use your dotter tool dipped in red nail polish and place a dot on the left of your nail. Do the same with the blue, black, yellow, and green placing the dots in a staggered line. Once those dots dry use a smaller dotter dipped in white and dot the middle of those dots to create the illusion of a circle. For the index and ring fingers simply paint a sparkle top coat over the red. Moving onto the middle finger paint the right corner blue. Then use your striper to paint white verticle lines. Now use a small dotter and dot "stars" in the blue square. For the pinkie use your white striper to paint a cross with two diagonal lines going through the center. Over the white use a small dotter dipped in red polish and stipple it to create Great Britian's flag. Finish off with a top coat and there you go! A design that everyone will love! (you can also change the England flag with Russia's or Brazil's for the 2014 and 2016 Olympics)

Owls and Polka Dots
These are my back to school nails. Their cute fun and will for sure get plenty of compliments!
What You Will Need:
Two of Your Favorite Basecoat Colors
Brown Polish
White Polish
Dotting Tools
Start by painting all of your nails with a basecoat except your middle finger. On your middle finger paint a large oval leaving enough room at the bottom of your nail for ears. Use a big dotter tool to make a large brown semi cirlce on either side of your nail then fill it in for the wings. Clean the dotter tool with nail polish remover. Use that dotter tool dipped in white and dot on two eyes and three white cirlces under that. Clean the dotter again and this time use the brown and dot a slightly smaller dot over the white two white dots you made for the eyes. Use the same dotting tool one more time and dot the color you used as your basecoat on the bottom of the three white dots to create feathers. Use a smaller dotting tool dipped in white and place a dot in the left corner of each eye. Take the same dotting tool or a toothpick and paint a rounded triangle right under the eyes for the beak. Finally use whatever sized dotter you like and dot polka dots on your other nails. Finish off with a top coat and your done! You can do this design using the same color on both hands or use your two favorite colors (one on each hand) like mine.

Friday, June 22, 2012

One Direction and Pig nails

1D nails
A lot of people are obsessed with 1D so I just had to do 1D nails! And perfect timing too, one of my friends is going to their concert this week so she wanted me to do her nails. No tutorial on this one but if you want one please comment! On the pinkie is the Irish flag (Nial), on the ring finger is suspenders (Louis), on the middle finger is the British flag (everyone except Nial I guess), on the pointer finger is a mustache (I'm not really sure I'm not the biggest 1D fan), and on the thumb 1D. I hope you like it even if your not a 1D fan!

This little piggie...
I know I have already done pigs but these pigs are different from the other design and so much cuter! The french manicure gives the design a classier look than if all of the nails were painted solid and the pigs are just adorable!
What you will need:
Base coat color polish
Black nail polish
Black nail art polish
White nail art polish

First paint your thumb and ring finger your base color. Then on your other three fingers paint just the tip the same color as your thumb and pointer fingers. Next on your thumb and pointer finger paint a semi-circle facing the corner of your nail so it looks like the pig is peaking over the edge. Now with you black nail art brush (if you don't have one of these you can use a toothpick) paint two rounded triangles on the top of the head (semi-circle) for ears. After that dip your toothpick in the white polish and dot on the eyes and nose. After the white circles for the eyes dot a smaller black dot then another white dot. For the nose use your toothpick and dot two black circles in the center. Finally with your toothpick dot scattered white dots on all of your nails. Finish with a topcoat and you have a beautiful design that's worth showing the world!  

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cookie Monster nails

Cookie Monster
This design is perfect for little kids or the sesame street lovers out there!

What you will need:
Blue nail polish
Light brown or nude nail polish
Dark brown nail polish
White nail polish
Black nail polish

Start by painting your big toe blue and the rest of your nails the light brown/nude color. Next on your little toes use your dark brown to paint "chocolate chips" by dotting the brush on the nail for the desired shape. Now on your big toe take the toothpick and dip it in white nail polish, paint two large circles in the middle of the toe nail and add black dots looking in different directions. for the mouth you can either use a toothpick or a nail art brush. If using the nail art brush or a toothpick, paint a straight horizontal line and a curved line connecting the two corners and color in the semi-circle. Repeat on other foot/hand, add a top coat, and your done!

Rose nails

This is another way you can paint your nails with roses without having to paint every nail the rose pattern. It saves time and gives an interesting look to the design!

I already have a tutorial for roses so look at that and paint your pointer and ring finger a different color and add stripes! I hope you like my nails and I'll keep more designs coming!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dandelion nails

This design is perfect to do after you've had a long weekend. Its quick, simple, and really cute!
What you will need:
Nude (or very light) nail polish
White nail art polish
Black nail art polish
Start by painting your nails the nude color. Then on your thumb, pointer, and ring fingers paint white lines on the bottom half of the nail. Now on your pinkie and middle finger paint a black stem and again paint the top of the black with white lines. After you have done that paint a small black semi-circle just below the white part of the dandelion. Your done! Enjoy your beautiful nails!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chicks and lace nail designs

This design is perfect for Easter!
What you will need:
Yellow nail polish
White nail polish
Black nail polish
Orange nail polish
Begin by painting your nails yellow. Then on your ring finger, with white, paint a bottom shell and a top shell, but make sure you leave room for the eyes and beak. Next on your middle finger paint only a bottom shell. Use the black nail polish to dot on eyes and use the orange nail polish to paint on the beak. To paint on the beak just make one small brush where you want the beak to go. repeat on your middle finger and your finished with your easy Easter design!

Lace nails
This design looks intricate, but it is very simple.
What you will need:
Pink nail polish
Black crackle paint
Black nail art paint
Start by painting your nails pink (or any base color, I have used purple with this design also and it turned out just as pretty). Then paint one diagonal line of crackle paint across your nail. On either side of the crackle paint two black lines. Now with your toothpick start making semi-circles on both of the lines you just painted on either side of the crackle. Once you have done this wait for it to dry and apply a top coat. Finally, you have your intricate yet simple design.